The Records of SOSPETTO
(2017) Il Sonno Eterno (Cine 19)
Limited 180g two-coloured Vinyl with printed inner sleeve (200 copies)
Limited 180g pitch black Vinyl with printed inner sleeve (300 copies)
Limited Gatefold CD (500 copies)

(2015) Sabba (Exploit 13)
Limited 7-inch in transparent red Vinyl (300 copies)

(2015) Quattro specchi opachi (Cine 13)
Limited Gatefold 2x 180g-Vinyl / CD-Set (250 copies)
Limited CD-Set (250 copies)

(2013) Non bussare alla porta del diavolo (Cine 07)
Limited Gatefold 180g-Vinyl / CD / DVD-Set (250 copies)
Limited CD / DVD-Set (250 copies)

(2012) Segni misteriosi, con il sangue dipinto sul muro (Cine05)
Limited 180g-Vinyl / CD-Set (250 copies)
Limited CD-Digi (250 copies)